Recognizing the signs of drug use can be hard, especially in your own kids. But knowing what to look for could be the thing that protects them from a future of addiction.
The most obvious place to start if you’re suspicious of teen marijuana use is with the physical signs they’d display. There are well-known indicators, like bloodshot eyes or getting the “munchies,” an intense hunger that many people feel while under the influence of marijuana. But there are many more signs you might not be aware of. According to American Addiction Centers and Wellness Resource Center, some of these include:
Okay, maybe you’re not seeing any physical signs. Your kid is clean cut – they don’t look any different than before. But are there changes in their behavior that you haven’t stopped to notice? Exis Recovery explains some of the tell-tale behaviors:
It can be difficult to tell what’s just normal teen behavior, and what’s a sign of marijuana use. If you suspect your teen is using a cannabis product, the best thing to do is talk to them about it.
Unsure of where to start? Check out our guide on marijuana discussions here.